Released: July 20, 2019
My first game, made using Gamemaker Studio 2! It's not great by any stretch of the imagination, but it holds a special place in my heart. You play as a robot, solving (basic) puzzles in an attempt to escape a mysterious facility. The development took way longer than it probably should have, mainly due to my engine choice and my lack of experience.
It's quite buggy, and at a certain point I completely gave up on trying to fix it. I've put out a few patches since release, containing only minor changes. Looking back, I'm surprised with what I was able to pull off with my extremely limited experience in an extremely limiting engine.
Engine choice would be my one regret, as now the game stuck on an engine I can't use, making more patches impossible. I would love to port the game to a more capable engine like Godot someday, but that would take more time than I have right now.
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I've compiled a spritesheet archive on this very site! You can browse through all the sprites in the game, and download them if you so choose.