Relhmseeker (WIP Name)
Estimated Project Date: It's complicated
(most work was from late 2021-late 2022, but I've worked on it here and there since)
My attempt at making a turn-based RPG! My goal was to make something along the lines of "an RPG without all the annoying RPG stuff". While the game design could use some work, some of the counterbalances to the "annoying RPG stuff" include refilling health after every battle, non-respawning enemies, and every battle being unique.
I also wanted the combat system to be engaging! I opted to go for a system where you can avoid taking damage if you're able to dodge correctly (see: Mario & Luigi and Undertale). I went for a grid-based movement system, which, I think, has a lot of room for cool ideas.

Another thing that I'm really proud of is the UI! I tried too hard to make it look "cool", but I'm happy with how it turned out, especially the top part with the health and stuff. I feel like its pleasing to look at and conveys everything you would need to know.
Unfortunately, I spent wayyy too much time focused on polish rather than actual content, so I got burned out with nothing really to show for it. So now, I have an extremely polished experience that's like 10 minutes long. Another issue is that I feel like the "attacking" half of the battle system isn't all too fun, and should be reworked. I would love to expand on this more someday, but I just haven't felt motivated to. I might rework it into something a bit smaller.
There's exactly one (1) demo. It's really short, and only really showcases the battle system. I'm really proud of it though! Right now, there's only a Windows build! Sorry Linux users ;-;
[Download] "Battle Test" Demo - Windows x86 (.7z, 35.9MB)
The source code is available on Github, and I plan to update it whenever I make any changes!